Time has gone too fast again and updating the blog has not been prioritized. So many things has happened but I will just give you a short update of it all. The blogging app on my phone is being problematic so forgive me if this post is somewhat confusing.
The big news is that David has gotten his first tooth!! I have tried to get a picture but it has hit been easy. You can see a small shiny spot in the picture.
The cowboys (the boys’ cousins who just moved back from Texas) came for a visit a few weeks ago. We went to our land in de Leon springs and took the boat out. Also several visits to the beach :-) Unfortunately, I didn’t take many pictures. They also joined us to our “Mission to serve” coop where we made shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child. It’s one of my favorite things to do with the kids. You get a shoe box or box similar size and fill it with toys, clothes, a cup, school supplies, hygiene products etc. Then you pay $9 for shipping and drop it off at one of their drop off stations. I took the cowboys and the Vikings (our kids) to some near by stores and they got to pick out the things for their own box to send (with some guiding by me :-). It is always so much fun! And it gives me a chance to talk about how some kids don’t have ANYTHING and how much they would appreciate a flashlight (for example) because they don’t have electricity or a teddy bear because they might now have parents.
Great fun at cc coop, dissecting an owl pellet. That is a “ball” of soft “stuff” containing the bones that the owl swallowed but could not digest. I was helping Raffi and we could see that the owl had eaten a small rodent based on the bones we found. Pretty neat!
There has also been another battle bot with the Lego boosts. This time Gabriel could join, too. He has saved money and bought his own Lego boost and was so excited! Surprisingly, he managed to get second place! And Noah won!! It was so much fun.
Farmor was here so while I took most of the boys to the Lego boost she took Marlee for a speech that he had been asked to do at the local republican group. I was very sad to miss that and Alex was out of town, but I’m glad farmor could go and take some videos. His speech was about President Washington. I’m hoping to add a video of it, at least part of it.
This is our last week of coops for this semester!! It all went so fast! Below is a picture of Noah in his ASL (American sign language) class. Marlee and Noah have been in the same class for the first time and it has been better than I thought. There are several wild boys in their class so have not always been the best behaved but after I have been sitting in class with them a few weeks it has been a lot better. Their favorite class this year is Ancient History but they like all their classes. All boys have liked our Blue Oak coop better this year than the past couple of years.
Rafael showing his art work “The Sky”.
The weather has gotten a lot colder, some days… so we actually go to the beach sometimes without swimming :-)
Look at his new front teeth!!
I was actually going to add some more stuff but the app is making me very very frustrated with not saving things and acting up, so I will simply stop here and add more soonish!