Some storm created some big waves here and there have been a lot of surfers out to enjoy them. While this was going on we had some friends from Sarasota visiting. We met them at camp constitution last year and they were going to St Augustine for vacation so they came and spent some time with us, too. We spent a lot of time on the beach :-)
Last Sunday there was a Celtic festival here. We went with some friends and it was so much fun. The kids for to test some Celtic sports (some similar to Scandinavian sports, too) and Alex got to try some axe throwing :-)
Alex is going to a few places around the country this week so we are "home alone". David has taken some big steps while he has been gone. He has started crawling properly and maybe that got his stomach started because today he had the biggest blow out any of my kids have ever had!! I was in the kitchen an he was in the playroom, which is pretty much the same room. When i look over it looked like the dog had had an accident on the carpet... But it wasn't the dog... I won't give you more details (the picture says a lot...). Luckily i have some awesome boys who can help when i need them. Marlee took over the cooking while I tried to wipe down David. As soon as he was as clean as possible i out him in his tub to give him a bath. Noah watched him in the bath while i could clean the carpet and the toy box and some affected toys... David must have lost at least a few pounds getting rid of all this...The carper was soon clean and so was David. He happily went down for a nap after his bath and we had a peaceful lunch.
Around 8pm today there was a rocket launch. We just happened to walk outside when it happened, i didn't know about it, and it was the coolest one i have seen. It looked so big and the weather was clear.