Last Sunday our Noah turned 9!!! My sweet, sensitive, compassionate, creative and smart boy is getting so big! There was a lot of Lego related things on his wish list but also walkie talkies and some in other things.
We didn't have many plans for the day except Noah picking the food and cake, and church in the morning. However, we had invited some of his friends and ended up having some food and ice cream (he picked ice cream) at home and then went to our land in De Leon springs. Noah got an inflatable kayak for his birthday so we brought that and another one we got from Alex's parents. The kids had so much fun playing with the kayaks in the water and having nerf gun wars in the woods.
Morning greetings!
Lake Winona
Everyone was exhausted by the time it was bedtime and Alex fell asleep with the small (I guess middle) boys.
Last week was our first week of CC. Marlee is not doing CC this be year and i never got s chance to take a picture of Noah but Gabriel and Rafael were happy to make funny faces :-)