

Friday, August 30, 2019

U.S. Roadtrip: So close but no cigar, only lots of smoke...

Since hurricane Dorian was on the way towards Florida we wanted to get back to Ormond before we possibly had to leave again, so after a couple of nights in Madison we headed towards Ormond Beach, and home. But our trailer had other plans, as so many times before. However, this time it was not a tire blowing up, that we could just replace, it was a tire that almost caught fire because of the bearings...

It was around 10pm when a driver passing us on the highway, outside Jacksonville, rolled down his window and got our attention. There was smoke coming from one of our tires on the trailer and there were embers in the wheel bearing. We obviously stopped and quickly realized that there was no way we could continue driving. It was very very hard to find someone who could and wanted to tow us but after getting some help from the Highway patrol and begging the tower to come and at least try we finally got help. We had then spent almost six hours on the side of the highway! Luckily the boys slept most of that time but it is surprisingly boring to watch cars go by for so many hours... The tow trucker had to improvise in order to get the trailer up on the tow truck but he made it and after about 30 min we could all go Aunt Jackie's house. We got there around five amp and at 8am a friend of Aunt Jackie came to help us with the trailer, it was a Sunday, and we were so lucky. He had to chisel the wheel off the axle but could put a new one on, and we could eventually, actually, drive back to Ormond!

Glow in the dark wheel bearing :-)

Life on the side of the highway

Trying to get the trailer up on the tow truck

He made it!!
While spending some time at Aunt Jackie's house Rafael got some snuggles with Sammy :-)

Back in our own house again!!!!!!!!!!!

The past 3,5 months....

Thursday, August 29, 2019

U.S. Roadtrip: FL is for Florida (we are back! and Happy Birthday Noah!!)

From one family residence to another. Our next stop was with in Bonifay with Cia. She served us a delicious dinner when we got there, definately my kind of dinner!

Absolutely wonderful dinner!!!
When we woke up the next morning it was Noah's birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Noah 7 years old!!!

Cia had prepared a little party for Noah and one of her sons came over with his children, they are kind of cousins to our boys. Such a great surprise!

We left Cia and Bonifay after lunch and headed to Madison where we met Aunt Jackie. Another birthday celebration :-)

Planting a birthday tree for Noah, a pear tree.

Taking a bath in the sink :-)

Noah by his birthday tree

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

U.S. Roadtrip: AL is for Alabama

Visiting family in Alabama. Unfortunately, they were not home (Alex's uncle and family) but we got to camp on their beautiful farm outside Mobile, Alabama

Yay, they had their very own Chantarelles!!

They had the best swings ever!

My little animal lover!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

U.S Roadtrip: LA is for Louisiana

Arriving to the east coast again and first stop was New Orleans, Louisiana. Stayed at a campground in a state park. It was a very nice park but.... the mosquitoes were so bad! Somehow they got into our trailer during the night, possibly through the AC. I killed more than 50 mosquitoes when I woke up in the morning.


It was a rainy day in New Orleans!

A living statue

I regret that I did not buy one of these!!!

Bye New Orleans!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

U.S. Roadtrip: OK is for Oklahoma

More friends and more fun in Oklahoma!!! We visited Tulsa and Oklahoma City. Except seeing friends the playground in Tulsa was probably the best part of the Oklahoma, if you ask the kids, or riding a motorcycle!! I was very happy to get a free babysitter (the granddaughter of one of the speech organizers) and had a nice grown up dinner with a lot of nice people.

Dinner at Jamil's steakhouse with friends from Miami and Ormond
The best playground ever, "The Gathering Place" in Tulsa, OK.

Maybe better than the playground or just as good was to get a ride on Uncle John's motorcycle!!!

Even pappa had fun! :-D