So we left Fårö about a week ago, Marlee, me, mormor + morfar (=momo). On the way home we stayed and visited with my God parents, Gunnel and Nisse. I was very happy to see them and they seemed very happy to see Marlee. Marlee found a favorite Christmas decoration, Santa in the outhouse :-)
We got home ok. I needed to work some so Marlee stayed with momo for two days, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. Me and Marlee stayed home for a few days and then it finally got cold! Nice fresh air outside and sunshine! No snow though, so not winter yet.. still hoping!
Well, now we are both back at my parents again. I was supposed to work but got sick. Now Marlee, mormor and I are sick but Marlee does not seem to be bothered by running nose and cough.
And tomorrow pappa is coming home! Marlee keeps repeating "pappa" when pointing at Alex's car, his side of the bed, when I'm on the phone etc so it will be fun to see him when he meets pappa again :-)