

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The pepper thief!

A nice day with nice weather!! Marlee started the day with stealing a pepper in the greenhouse. I found him eating it in the garden :-D

The thief!

After getting ready we left home and went into Stockholm where we met a friend, Anna, and visited the museum Fotografiska, which is a forum for photography. At the moment it is work by Robert Mapplethorpe, Liu Bolin and Peter Farago and stylist Ingela Klemetz-Farago presented at the museum. All worth watching. (Marlee was sleeping while we watched the photographs by Mapplethorpe :-)

After walking through the museum we had a coffee in the caf'e which has a wonderful view of Stockholm! Marlee was exited to watch big cruise ships and cars outside the window!

Anna and Marlee are enjoying the view

Watcing a cruise ship go by

View from the caf'e

When coming back outside it started raining a little and a beautiful rainbow appeared.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mushrooms and beach weather

Yesterday Marlee and I went back into the forrest to look for mushrooms and this time we found some!!  Very nice "kantareller" and "Karl johan svamp". Marlee had a lot of fun. He is a very good hiker. I carry him on my back some too but he still prefers to walk most of the time.

This morning he wanted to try my swim glasses on. So charming!!

Maybe he knew that we would go down to the beach in the afternoon when mormor came to visit and help out a little. It has been such nice weather today! I went swimming but Marlee was too busy playing with the big boys in the sand.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 min ago

Booger is back!

Alex and I survived 3 days without Marlee. That Marlee would survive without us was never a question. He has probably been the happiest baby with all the attention from mormor and morfar :-) Well, back at home we have visited my grandma who is back and forth in the hospital (since 3 months) and today we had a great day at the open pre-school*. Back at the house we took a nice walk around the neighbourhood. Marlee met one of the neighbour dogs, which he surely enjoyed!

At the open pre-school

Also at the open pre-school

At last, right before bedtime Marlee proudly showed me that he can get up onto the kitchen table..

I made it up here all by myself *proud!*

* the open pre-school (öppna förskolan) is like a pre-school but you cannot leave you child there. You can only go there with your child and have to look after it there yourself. It is a place for small children to play with other children but also a place for parents to meet other parents. Today they organised soup lunch which means that for a smaller amount they serve soup and fresh bread for lunch. Very yummy!

Friday, August 19, 2011

First time...

Today is a special day... My little Marlee is being babysat (?) for three days (!!!), which means that I will not see him for THREE DAYS!!! Both Alex and I had important things to do tomorrow, Saturday, and since the best babysitters in town (the other best babysitters reside in Miami ;-), mormor and morfar, will be on Fårö (the summer house) all weekend, Marlee "had to" come with them from Friday to Monday!! I think (and hope) that this is harder for me than for him. He left seven hours ago and has been happy ever since, now he is probably sleeping in the car. I am keeping myself busy with house work and preparing for tomorrow. Alex is on a train on his way to Gothenburg to attend a conference. It is actually my very first time to be home alone at night with no "men" in the house, no women for that matter either, since Marlee was born. So far I am doing very good.

Today, after I dropped off Marlee, I ordered a DVD for his 1,5 year "birthday". Not that he needs presents for that but there is this TV show that he just loves and it would be fun to actually get him a DVD with it. It is called "Shaun the sheep" / "Fåret Shaun". He starts laughing as soon as I put him in front of the computer (we are watching it online). A friend of mine recommended it because it is fun even for adults (I agree). I must say that it is probably one of these TV shows that I would have said that I would never have encourage Marlee to watch since it does not seems to teach children much, they do not talk etc, but he just loves it so much and I it is so much fun to watch him when I turn it on. I should video record it so that you could see! Each episode is about 7 minutes and he watches maybe 2 at the most before he starts playing with something else. That is why I do not feel too bad about it, it would be different if he would be "glued to the computer" each time I turn it on.

The other night I was dreaming that Marlee started talking. He did not say just one word, but started singing. I was laughing a lot in my dream but maybe I would not if it was really happening because the song he sang was a very common "student song" that university students sing during organised dinners here etc, and is about being very drunk... Maybe I was dreaming this since Marlee has not really started talking yet. He does say "there" when he points on something and he goes "ma ma ma ma ma" a lot but I cannot really relate that to me. Alex says he can but I am not so sure. Marlee surely understands a lot though so I am not particularly worried about his speech. Maybe I should take the chance to enjoy the time now because once he starts talking I do not think he will ever stop :-) There are so many thought, questions and wills in that little body that wants out, I can tell!

Well, you have probably fallen a sleep by now from all the reading but it is a way for me deal with the absence of my son ;-) Thanks for "listening"! And also, thanks for all your emails telling me how much you appreciate this blog! I am very happy to hear that! But this is not only for you guys, it is also for me, since it helps me to reflect on all the things that are happening all the time with Marlee and what is going on.

I do not have any pictures from today but here are some from the last days.

Marlee has started to like milk
which makes his mum very happy

Yesterday we had very strange weather,
here it is raining and being very warm
and sunny at the same time...

Why buy toys!?

Exploring the forrest and a mushrooms...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Out and about

Marlee and I have been out in the forrest some the last days. He really likes to explore, climb etc. There is a beautiful sunset not far from our house if you walk through the forrest. I used to go there with Marlee last summer when he was just a little baby, now he can walk there himself :-)

Today we harvest the biggest cucumber I have ever seen!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mosquito bites and playground

While walking in the forrest yesterday two mosquitos found the way to Marlee's face. Now it is better but this morning it looked worse.. both eyes are swollen.

Today we went to the playground and Marlee found a new favorite "toy".

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Exploring the garden (angel)

It is so entertaining to watch Marlee explore his surroundings. It is amazing how much he learns every day and how fast and hard his little brain must be working. Today we took a walk in the forrest in the rain, which definately did not bother Marlee at all :-)

Inspecting the harvest

Garden Angel

Monkey Marlee

Monday, August 1, 2011

For Daddy

Marlee and I are on Fårö for a few days and Alex is home working. He was supposed to have a very tight deadline this weekend so we were going to give him time to work. However the deadline was posponed but the tickets were already booked... Here are some pictures for daddy who is waiting for his little son to come home again.