

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Birthday passed a week ago and now Snow

Our little prince turnet 1 year a week ago and was celebrated as he should be :-) Lots of presents and cake. Unfortunately, he was still not completely well from the fever the previous Monday and did not want to eat much, not even his blueberries with whipped cream.. Well, he was happy and played a lot with his new toys.

A few days after his birthday me and him went up north to go skiing. Well, Marlee is "chilling" in the "pulka" behind me (we are cross country skiing) :-) Daddy is home working but hopefully he is not missing us too much but will have some peace and be able to do some work.

Unfortunately I am having some troubles with the Internet here and can therefore not add any pictures (I have borrowed my sister's computer now) but will add them as soon as possible.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cruise to Riga, wonderful spring and first bad fever

A lot of things has happened since last time I wrote. Spring seems to be here finally and I have taken a lot of walks with Marlee in the sun. Yesterday the whole little family took a walk in "downtown" Bro.

My friend Sofia and her son Mobi came back from India where Mobi's dad lives. Mobi turned ½ year the other week so we celebrated him. I am very happy to have Sofia back here in Sweden for a while.

Last week we all went on a 40h cruise to Riga, Latvia. A very beautiful city, similar to Tallin, Estonia.

Alex and Marlee are standing in front of
this Freedom monument.


Marlee played in the ball pit (bollhav). Super fun to watch him!!

Last night was not so fun though, Marlee puked in his bed when he was going to go to sleep and during the night he got fever. Early this mornig it was 102,9 but it is going down and was 101,2 last time I checked. Right now he is sitting still in my lap which does not happen often and he has already taken two naps today and it is only 1.15 pm...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One step forward

Marlee has tried to take his first step!!! Maybe he will walk for the first time on his first birthday, which is coming up next week???

Tomorrow we are all going to Riga in Latvia. We have not been there before so it will be exiting. It is a 40h cruise and we will have 6 hours in Riga. Spring is coming here and, as far as I know, Riga is a little a head of us so maybe it will be "snowless" :-)

We have had a few very nice days here and Marlee and I have spent a lot of time outside. Now, when the snow is melting, it is getting very muddy and Marlee gets very dirty, but is having fun!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Proof! :-D

Marlee and I went to the open preschool today (it is like a pre-school where you can go with your kids during the day but you cannot leave them there, you stay there with them and play, talk with other parents, have lunch or coffee etc) and I finally got some proof of him standing on his own. He was standing for a while and I took a few pictures.

Making selections

A busy weekend for  me and Marlee. Yesterday we visited Ted and his parents Sophie and Jakob. They served a very yummy soup with pancakes after. Wow, that was long ago! We definitely need to make pancakes more often. I used to have them every Thursday when I was a kid. Ted had a play stove / oven, which Marlee really liked. His friend Jonathan has the same one and when we visited him about a week ago Marlee played with his, too. Seems to be a favorite. They also had kitchen utensils from IKEA, another favorite!

Yesterday I noticed that Marlee has started to select certain snacks before others. At the moment he has three different snacks - beige hearts, beige stars and pink "drops". The drops are the favorite and he always eats those first.

Choosing pink :-)
(The pink drop is in the middle)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun times

Marlee is so much fun now. He is exploring EVERY THING ALL THE TIME (that is not always fun!!) and he makes the funniest faces (that is always fun!!). Watch the rock star video below and make sure to be extra observant of the first half. He is a true rock star, my idol!!

Rock star!

One day at the train...